Amino acids are organic molecules possessing both carboxyl and aminogroups. The illustration below shows the general formula for an amino acid. At the center of the amino-acid is an asymmetryc carbon atom called the alpha carbon. Its four different partners are an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a variable group symbolized by R. The R group, also called the side chain, differs with each amino acid.
The physical and chemical properties of the side chain determine the unique characteristics of a particular amino-acid.
Amino acids are organic molecules possessing both carboxyl and aminogroups. The illustration at the right shows the general formula for an amino acid. At the center of the amino-acid is an asymmetryc carbon atom called the alpha carbon. Its four different partners are an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a variable group symbolized by R. The R group, also called the side chain, differs with each amino acid.
it improves the organoleptic characteristics
it improves the photosynthesis process
it works on the stomata regulation
it works on nitrogen reserve
it improves the complexing power
it works on roots development
it works on nitrogen reserve
it works on organoleptic characteristics
it regulates the osmotic process
it guarantees resistance to abiotic stress
It preserves and maintains plant cells and all the metabolic functions
it guarantees resistance to abiotic stress
it improves the antioxidant power
it improves the organoleptic characteristics
it improves the complexing power
it improves the photosynthesis process
it regulates the osmotic process
it guarantess resistance to abiotic stress
it preserves and maintains plant cells and all the metabolic functions
it guarantees the resistance to abiotic stress
it works on nitrogen reserve
it improves the fruit-setting stage
it works on stomata regulation
it works on nitrogen reserve
it improves the antioxidant power
it improves the organoleptic characteristics
it guarantees the resistance to abiotic stress
it improves the photosynthesis process
it works on stomata regulation
it improves the organoleptic characteristics
it works on roots development
it contributes to the hormonal development
it improves the antioxidant power
it works on stomata regulation
it reinforces the color
it guarantees the resistance to abiotic stress
it works on nitrogen reserve
it improves the fruit-setting stage
it regulates the osmotic process
it works on photosynthesis process
it guarantees the resistance to abiotic stress
it contributes to the hormonal development
it improves the antioxidant power
it improves the antioxidant power
it guarantees the resistance to abiotic stress
it improves the organoleptic characteristics
roots can absorb amino acids from the solution even if their availability can drastically reduce for absorption and assimilaton from the microflora
increase of nitrogen content in leaf
stimulation of assimilation of nitrate
formation of complexes with mineral elements protecting them from dissolution at abnormal pH
high temperatures
low light conditions
roots development
hormonal development
fruit-setting stage improvement
accumulation of sugars and anti-oxidants in fruits
photosynthesis increase
precursors of flavour, clour and taste intake
stimulation of rhizosphere microbes acitvity because amino acids supply nitrogen to them
the developed microflora can influence the growth of the crop
We guarantee vegetal enzyme hydrolysis amino acids that guarantee absence of Chromium 3 and Chromium 6 and heavy metals
Our amino acids are contained in lots of our products inside our catalogue. Every amino acid is used to create a product that can give to the plant specific characteristics.